Thursday, November 21, 2013

{2 Books that are Currently Rocking My World}

Two books that are currently rocking my world


We have always tucked our kids at night together with a Bible story and prayer.  Our kids are now old enough that they hold us to this sacred time.  They never let us get away's too late....we are so tired....

For years we have read to them out of another children's Bible.
Last week we decided that they might be old enough to hold an attention span for the stories out of The Jesus Storybook Bible.  They have done pretty well (our 3 year old better than our 2 year old...but we are working on that one)

I honestly love reading out of this Bible to our children.  Every story whispers the name of Jesus.  I  love how each story clearly echoes God's love for mankind and His eternal desire to restore mankind.  Truly, I feel God speaking deeply and personally through this children's Bible.

"But all the stars and the mountains and oceans and galaxies and everything were nothing compared to how much God loved his children.  He would move heaven and earth to be near them.  Always.  Whatever happened, whatever it cost him, he would always love them.  And so it was that the wonderful love story began..." ~The Storybook Bible


My small group has been working through this Jennie Allen study, STUCK.
And the word that comes to mind is OUCH! 
 Ouch because I get stuck in everyone of these places


Honestly, I am getting a beating through this study.  My eyes are being opened to how selfish I am and how my selfishness creates these quicksands where I get stuck.  It's not pretty.  And sometimes these stuck places come out just down right ugly {yes pastor's wives are real people who have not so pretty moments that are U.G.L.Y}

If you are a woman, you want to get your hands on this study.  It will be most beneficial if you work through it with other women so that you do not fall into the lie of believing that no other women you are around suffer from these stuck places.  

Real live wrestle occurs personally through this study.
You will become undone and hopefully reshaped.
Just plain L.O.V.E. this study!
{Thanks to my sweet friend Laura for the recommendation}  


Have you entered for a chance to win the November Giveaway?


{You have until Friday}


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