Sunday, August 24, 2014

"Is She Prettier Than Me"?

It has been a while since I posted.  Not because I don't have a ton of thoughts running through my mind, but because my shop has been busy lately!  I am so thankful for those of you who have made purchases and those of you who continue to help me share my shop The Teal Egg.

A few weeks ago, we spent the weekend with a family my husband knows better than I do.  We had a great weekend with them.  My daughter was in heaven because one of their children is a little girl the same age.  These girls were so cute together!  They played "Anna and Elsa" like there was no tomorrow.  I wish you could have seen them!!!!

My daughter is super extrovert.  She LOVES people.  She is extremely animated and lives to reenact Disney movies.  She met her match that weekend because our friend's little girl was just as extroverted, just as loving, and just as animated!

There was one time during their play that my daughter came to me and said, "Mommy, am I as pretty as she is?"  I have to tell you, in that moment, my heart sank.  All these thoughts came rushing into my my mind.... "Have I ever made this comment in her presence?", "Has she read my mind when I question this in myself?", "Have I passed along this terrible insecurity to my daughter?", "God, please don't let this be a struggle in my sweet precious baby girl's heart!"

She really stopped me dead in my tracks with this question.  And my heart, literally ached.  Of course my immediate response was, "You both are beautiful because Jesus made you both beautiful."  She smiled and seemed to accept that answer and went back to playing with her new friend.

But over and over and over again, those words played them self to me again on repeat, "Am I as pretty as she is?"  No one had to teach my daughter to ask that question.  But where did it come from?  Is is just a curse on women?  Do we all struggle with this question, whether we admit it or not?  Have I exposed her to something in her everyday world that would cause her to ask this question?

Why must this thought enter my baby girl's mind?  Really and truly if I am just down right honest, because of the broken state of man.  Because of sin.  Because we have been shattered.  That is why it is there in her mind, in my mind.  We wrestle with comparison because our society teaches it to us, shoves it in our face, and serves it up on a silver platter.  BUT, we accept it.  I accept it and I allow it to captivate my thoughts.  I allow it to lessen the relationships with those around me.  If I don't take it will destroy me and jealousy will breed.

It's ugly, I know.  But what I know to be even more true is that it is a struggle for us all.  In every woman, there is a wrestle "Is she prettier than me?"  "Is she smarter than me?"  "Does she have it more together than me?"  "Is she a better mom than me?"  "Is she a better wife than me?"  "Is she a better _________ than me?"  Whatever it is for is there.

I want my daughter to know, I want myself to know....

God created man/woman in His image and His image is BEAUTIFUL!  Don't cheat yourself out of relationships with other women.  Satan desires to steal, kill and destroy all that is a gift from your Heavenly Father to you.  Friendships with other women are a sweet joy given to you, have several of them.  Don't be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.  Find the best in other women and tell them to their face what you see as their best!  Allow Jesus to fill ALL of you and the question "Is she . . . ." will become less and less in your mind.

I've been thinking a lot these past few weeks about my daughter's question.  And, the best way I know how to smother this thought in her mind is to continue to teach her about Jesus, confirm the best qualities I see in her, and lead her in speaking words of encouragement and life into the lives of girls she comes in contact with.  

This has to become my practice too because how can I lead her if this is not true for my life as well.

Friday, August 1, 2014

Engage With Your Kids

Summer is coming to a close.  We are soaking in the last few days and weeks in our house.  Yesterday I spent 30 minutes playing play dough with my daughter.  Today we spent the entire day in a wet swim suit at the water park.

The list below came from our local library.  I love it so much, I decided to post it here.  All of these things can be done throughout the year with your children.  Life with our children doesn't just have to happen during the summer.  Sometimes I find myself striving to check of the "summer fun list" but the truth is my children and I need fun throughout the year.

One of my sweetest friends said these words to me one day regarding her four children.....

"I'm going to make their childhood magical if it kills me"!

Those words stuck with me.  They made me laugh right out loud.  And they echo in my mind when days are hard.  I only have an allotted amount of time with my children.  Why wouldn't I work my hardest to make it magical?!  Magical doesn't have to be big and extravagant and over the top at all times.  Magical can be as simple as the list below.  I believe magical happens when I ENGAGE with my children.  When they know they have MOMMY present 100%.  Those are the moments I believe they will remember as magical.  I have enlarged my most favorite in the list below.  

Visit the library
Play blocks with your child
Read wordless books with your child
Make animal noises together
Look at a picture dictionary together
Sing songs about your day
Talk about the weather with your child. What kind of days do they like best?
Sing counting songs, such as “One, Two, Buckle my Shoe.”
Visit the grocery store with and talk about the many colors you see
Read a nonfiction book with your child
Talk about what is going on around you
Ask your child many questions
Read a story about your child’s favorite animal
Share a story about your childhood
Make a snack together by using a recipe
Do fingerplays and action rhymes any time
Let your child make music with various kitchen items
Read your child a bedtime story
Count with your child as you drive in the car
Make an alphabet book
Collect leaves together and sort them by size and color
Put a puzzle together with your child
Go on a color walk together and point things out that are red, green, etc
Sing “Itsy Bitsy Spider” together
Dance with your child