It has been a while since I posted. Not because I don't have a ton of thoughts running through my mind, but because my shop has been busy lately! I am so thankful for those of you who have made purchases and those of you who continue to help me share my shop The Teal Egg.
A few weeks ago, we spent the weekend with a family my husband knows better than I do. We had a great weekend with them. My daughter was in heaven because one of their children is a little girl the same age. These girls were so cute together! They played "Anna and Elsa" like there was no tomorrow. I wish you could have seen them!!!!
My daughter is super extrovert. She LOVES people. She is extremely animated and lives to reenact Disney movies. She met her match that weekend because our friend's little girl was just as extroverted, just as loving, and just as animated!
There was one time during their play that my daughter came to me and said, "Mommy, am I as pretty as she is?" I have to tell you, in that moment, my heart sank. All these thoughts came rushing into my my mind.... "Have I ever made this comment in her presence?", "Has she read my mind when I question this in myself?", "Have I passed along this terrible insecurity to my daughter?", "God, please don't let this be a struggle in my sweet precious baby girl's heart!"
She really stopped me dead in my tracks with this question. And my heart, literally ached. Of course my immediate response was, "You both are beautiful because Jesus made you both beautiful." She smiled and seemed to accept that answer and went back to playing with her new friend.
But over and over and over again, those words played them self to me again on repeat, "Am I as pretty as she is?" No one had to teach my daughter to ask that question. But where did it come from? Is is just a curse on women? Do we all struggle with this question, whether we admit it or not? Have I exposed her to something in her everyday world that would cause her to ask this question?
Why must this thought enter my baby girl's mind? Really and truly if I am just down right honest, because of the broken state of man. Because of sin. Because we have been shattered. That is why it is there in her mind, in my mind. We wrestle with comparison because our society teaches it to us, shoves it in our face, and serves it up on a silver platter. BUT, we accept it. I accept it and I allow it to captivate my thoughts. I allow it to lessen the relationships with those around me. If I don't take it will destroy me and jealousy will breed.
It's ugly, I know. But what I know to be even more true is that it is a struggle for us all. In every woman, there is a wrestle "Is she prettier than me?" "Is she smarter than me?" "Does she have it more together than me?" "Is she a better mom than me?" "Is she a better wife than me?" "Is she a better _________ than me?" Whatever it is for is there.
I want my daughter to know, I want myself to know....
God created man/woman in His image and His image is BEAUTIFUL! Don't cheat yourself out of relationships with other women. Satan desires to steal, kill and destroy all that is a gift from your Heavenly Father to you. Friendships with other women are a sweet joy given to you, have several of them. Don't be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Find the best in other women and tell them to their face what you see as their best! Allow Jesus to fill ALL of you and the question "Is she . . . ." will become less and less in your mind.
I've been thinking a lot these past few weeks about my daughter's question. And, the best way I know how to smother this thought in her mind is to continue to teach her about Jesus, confirm the best qualities I see in her, and lead her in speaking words of encouragement and life into the lives of girls she comes in contact with.
This has to become my practice too because how can I lead her if this is not true for my life as well.
Sunday, August 24, 2014
Friday, August 1, 2014
Engage With Your Kids
Summer is coming to a close. We are soaking in the last few days and weeks in our house. Yesterday I spent 30 minutes playing play dough with my daughter. Today we spent the entire day in a wet swim suit at the water park.
The list below came from our local library. I love it so much, I decided to post it here. All of these things can be done throughout the year with your children. Life with our children doesn't just have to happen during the summer. Sometimes I find myself striving to check of the "summer fun list" but the truth is my children and I need fun throughout the year.
One of my sweetest friends said these words to me one day regarding her four children.....
The list below came from our local library. I love it so much, I decided to post it here. All of these things can be done throughout the year with your children. Life with our children doesn't just have to happen during the summer. Sometimes I find myself striving to check of the "summer fun list" but the truth is my children and I need fun throughout the year.
One of my sweetest friends said these words to me one day regarding her four children.....
"I'm going to make their childhood magical if it kills me"!
Those words stuck with me. They made me laugh right out loud. And they echo in my mind when days are hard. I only have an allotted amount of time with my children. Why wouldn't I work my hardest to make it magical?! Magical doesn't have to be big and extravagant and over the top at all times. Magical can be as simple as the list below. I believe magical happens when I ENGAGE with my children. When they know they have MOMMY present 100%. Those are the moments I believe they will remember as magical. I have enlarged my most favorite in the list below.
Visit the library
Play blocks with your child
Read wordless books with your child
Make animal noises together
Look at a picture dictionary together
Sing songs about your day
Talk about the weather with your child.
What kind of days do they like best?
Sing counting songs, such as “One, Two,
Buckle my Shoe.”
Visit the grocery store with and talk about the many colors you see
Read a nonfiction book with your child
Talk about what is going on around you
Ask your child many questions
Read a story about your child’s favorite
Share a story about your childhood
Make a snack together by using a recipe
Do fingerplays and action rhymes any
Let your child make music with various
kitchen items
Read your child a bedtime story
Count with your child as you drive in
the car
Make an alphabet book
Collect leaves together and sort them by
size and color
Put a puzzle together with your child
Go on a color walk together and point things
out that are red, green, etc
Sing “Itsy Bitsy Spider” together
Dance with your child
Wednesday, July 23, 2014
She Reads Truth: Justice Study
Last week I posted about the Noonday #StyleforJustice trip to Rwanda. I hope you will take time to read that post here. The trip consisted of a group of women with so many different gifts and talents. It is amazing to me the web that their lives and commitments are forming. I choose the word web in such a positive way....because here is what I started today out of that web.....
I am new to She Reads Truth Bible Study Plans. You can visit their website here to learn so much more. Here is what they have to say about themselves.....
The site has several other studies you can join along with too. Titus, Ruth, Nehemiah, 123 John.... I am so excited to have this access at my fingertips. So the app includes: The Bible, Study Plans, Notes, Bookmarks, Lock Screens of Scripture for memorization, and a chance to comment on daily readings and see what other people are commenting.
The Justice Study will include posts and thoughts from the following: Gary A. Haugen (founder/ceo of International Justice Mission) Bethany Hoang (director of the Institute for Biblical Justice), Jessica Honegger (founder of Noonday Collection), and Jennie Allen (author). See huge web from last weeks #styleforjustice trip to Rwanda.
I hope you will check out the She Reads Truth site and learn more for yourself. And if you are ready to jump in download the She Reads Truth app and get started on the Justice Study with me and a TON of other women!
I am new to She Reads Truth Bible Study Plans. You can visit their website here to learn so much more. Here is what they have to say about themselves.....
The most important players in SheReadsTruth are God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit as they speak truth to our hearts through the reading of God’s word. Beyond that, there is you – a vast and beautiful community of women committed to growing closer to Jesus by seeking His face.
As for us, we are a handful of women who manage the site and write the plans. We are just like you, dependent on the grace of Jesus and needy of the Holy Spirit moving in our lives. We are a part of this community and we are committed to reading God’s Word along with you.
Today, they launched a 14 day Justice Study. What is even better is you can access this study from your iPhone in the She R Truth App. The Justice Study is $1.99 and $1.00 of every purchase is being given to the International Justice Mission. AMAZING!The site has several other studies you can join along with too. Titus, Ruth, Nehemiah, 123 John.... I am so excited to have this access at my fingertips. So the app includes: The Bible, Study Plans, Notes, Bookmarks, Lock Screens of Scripture for memorization, and a chance to comment on daily readings and see what other people are commenting.
The Justice Study will include posts and thoughts from the following: Gary A. Haugen (founder/ceo of International Justice Mission) Bethany Hoang (director of the Institute for Biblical Justice), Jessica Honegger (founder of Noonday Collection), and Jennie Allen (author). See huge web from last weeks #styleforjustice trip to Rwanda.
I hope you will check out the She Reads Truth site and learn more for yourself. And if you are ready to jump in download the She Reads Truth app and get started on the Justice Study with me and a TON of other women!
Tuesday, July 15, 2014
#Style for Justice {What Makes You Come Alive}
If you know me at all, you know I love the world. I have an affinity for the nations. My love for travel began at the age of 14 when I took my first trip overseas. Since then my feet have trod the soil of Russia, China, India, Ecuador and Peru. A few of these countries I have been to on several accounts and China was my home one summer between my junior and senior years of nursing school.
My life is forever marked by the time that has been so graciously afforded me around the world. I was changed as a 14 year old teenager, who stepped on a plane 20 years ago, with limited knowledge of the world outside my homeland.
The last trip I took internationally was to Peru in July of 2009. Deep down I knew it would be my last for a while. I was desperately sifting through the pieces of a miscarriage and praying that life would begin in me the following month. Little did I know, the life of my first born child would begin that month. And now it's July 2014, and I have 3 children ages 4, 3, and 13 months. God has been faithful!
My heart is wrestling. My mind is racing. My feet are longing to jump on a plane and go. There are tons of thoughts floating through my mind concerning: my husband, my children, location, timing, to do what, to go with whom....
I am currently following a team of moms, writers, minister's wives, photographers, bloggers, and creators who are in Rwanda. I have followed Emily's blog for at least three years now. I have read Jen's book 7 continue to follower her IG feed. I worked through Jenni's CHASE study with a few of my closets friends and read her book Anything this past winter. And right now, they with a few others, are partnering with Noonday Style for Justice.
I really love Noonday's Purpose
Noonday Collection's mission is to create economic opportunity for the vulnerable. We partner with artisans in the developing world, empowering them to grow sustainable businesses. By creating a marketplace for their goods, we create dignified jobs at living wages. This allows our artisans to earn more in order to support their families. We also offer no interest loans and make advance payments on orders. This way we are able to shoulder the costs of materials and build a lasting relationship based on trust. We offer scholarship programs and emergency assistance. Noonday Collection also donates a portion of sales to place orphans in forever families.
Noonday Collection is not a charity and we do not believe that providing a hand out is a sustainable long-term solution to poverty. We aim to be a sustainable business that gives women across the United States a way to make a lasting difference in the fight against poverty and injustice. This is what makes this movement so special. To learn more about Noonday's impact, click here:
I encourage you to follow along this journey from the Noonday website or any of the #StyleforJustice Story Team Member's personal sites. Their individual IG feeds are awesome as well as the Noonday IG feed. Pray for these ladies. Pray for this country. Don't you just love the goal of this trip......
Raise awareness for the vulnerable and inspire others to get involved and use their voices for good.
This trip is so encouraging to me right where I am in life: a mom of several littles, a follower who is hungry to jump in again, and a woman who desires to use her gifts to advance others. My prayer is that you will be challenged and blessed along this journey. I pray you will understand the beauty and uniqueness in the gifts you have been given. My pray for you and for me is we would not transform to what we see as the "trending" thing right now, but rather, we would dig deep and find these words to be true of us.....
"Don't ask yourself what the world needs.
Ask yourself what makes you come alive, and go do that,
because what the world needs is people who have come alive".
Gil Bailie
So what makes you come alive? And how can you use it to change the world?
Wednesday, July 9, 2014
A Few of My Favorite Things Lately.....
I did one of these post sometime last year so I thought it might be time for another one. These are just random things that are my favorites right now. And who knows....they may be your favorites too or some just might become your favorites through this post.
1. Huggies Clutch and Clean Wipe Holder
2. Cartwheel by Target App
I have seen this app A TON but have never used it until once again my sister was here and we were talking about stacking savings at Target. I really wanted a pair of sandals that were on sale at roughly 16.99 and there was a 25% off Cartwheel coupon that I was able to stack. So I ended up with these cuties for $12.74! (and PS they are now online for $10.00 SCORE)
Pretty much every time I am in Target, I see if what I have in my cart has a Cartwheel coupon. You can load up to 10 coupons at a time. And if you want to remove one so that you can add one that you really need in that moment you can. You just hand the cashier your phone (with your barcode) and all your coupons are applied at checkout.
I look at it this way....if you have to buy it or want to buy it....using a coupon is free money to you! And this app makes it so easy. There is even a coupon for the Target Cafe where you can score % off popcorn and beverages (perfect for keeping kids busy while you shop)!
3. Thirty-One Bags
I got my first Thirty-One bag last summer (a large utility tote). Most of my friends used them for the pool and I really wanted to try one out. It literally saved my life last year. I hosted an online Thirty-One Party a few weeks ago and score the Deluxe Utility Tote (a little larger and with outside pockets) and a Zip Top Utility Tote.
I LOVE Thirty-One Products. I can not say enough good things about them. I have 3 little kids ages four and under and I only have 2 hands. These bags help me get it all out the door and back in the door in minimal trips.
If you don't know a Thirty-One Consultant here is a link to my friend Summer's page. She is awesome and is such a joy to work with and knows a TON about Thirty-One products and which ones would be right for you!
4. Homegrown Vegetables
Last year my oldest got a 4x4 garden for her birthday. I was great with child and we never got the garden planted. But this year, I was determined to do it even if it killed me. She wanted to grown pickles and carrots! Ha!
We planted our garden....even though I really had NO idea what I was doing. And I did NO research (which I don't recommend). BUT we have vegetables....pickles AKA cucumbers, banana peppers, green peppers, red peppers, jalapeño peppers, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, green beans and carrots.
We are seeing the fruits ofour my labor and the kids are having a TON of fun with the harvest.
5. Melissa and Doug Toys
My mother in law has scored some awesome stuff through Melissa and Doug over the last several months. We are loving these Water Wow reusable paint pages (no paint involved only water), and these Paint with Water pages with a strip of paint at the top of each page (so you don't have to keep up with watercolors). And how about these magnetic dress up people for boys and girls. My sister gave these to my kids for their birthdays and they can not stop playing with them.....which provides moments of peace for me in each day! Yay!
6. Artwork made with my children's hands and feet
I posted a DIY Mermaid Canvas using your child's hands from my daughter's birthday party. Since then we have made lobsters and butterflies using our hands and our feet and a little paint. It does require some work on my part but the kids love it and we always do these project outside.
7. Nest Photo from The Whatever Shop
I have a little ETSY shop called none other than THE TEAL EGG. I put things in it that I create. Things that make me happy. Things that I would love for others to enjoy as well. The Whatever Shop has this print that I discovered a few weeks ago.
Before I could order it, a sweet friend purchased it for me as an encouragement to hang in my "create" space. Such a thoughtful gift that has deep rich meaning to me!
8. Vintage Dressing Table for my daughter's room
I am finally putting together my daughter's big girl room. It has just been in utter limbo the last few years. My mom purchased this vintage dresser and I am excited to paint it and put it in her room. Researching chalk paint right now and picking my sister's brain about her success in painting an antique hutch with chalk paint.
9. No More Bottles in Our House!!!!!!
And perhaps my most favorite of all......NO MORE BOTTLES! The baby is loving his sippy cup and momma is happy. No tears to be found here. I feel like I have a new lot on life! So proud of him!!!!
1. Huggies Clutch and Clean Wipe Holder
My sister was recently here and introduced me to this wonderful little contraption made by Huggies. It is a reusable wipe holder (functions much like a ziplock) and has a nifty little strap that can attach to your stroller, diaper bag or wrist. I found mine at Target for 3.99 with wipes inside.
I am a huge fan of Kirland brand wipes (Costco) but right now you can score 1160 Huggies wipes, a clean and clutch, and a wipes tub for 24.99. The Kirkland's brand currently gives you 900 wipes for 24.99.
2. Cartwheel by Target App
I have seen this app A TON but have never used it until once again my sister was here and we were talking about stacking savings at Target. I really wanted a pair of sandals that were on sale at roughly 16.99 and there was a 25% off Cartwheel coupon that I was able to stack. So I ended up with these cuties for $12.74! (and PS they are now online for $10.00 SCORE)
Pretty much every time I am in Target, I see if what I have in my cart has a Cartwheel coupon. You can load up to 10 coupons at a time. And if you want to remove one so that you can add one that you really need in that moment you can. You just hand the cashier your phone (with your barcode) and all your coupons are applied at checkout.
I look at it this way....if you have to buy it or want to buy it....using a coupon is free money to you! And this app makes it so easy. There is even a coupon for the Target Cafe where you can score % off popcorn and beverages (perfect for keeping kids busy while you shop)!
3. Thirty-One Bags
I got my first Thirty-One bag last summer (a large utility tote). Most of my friends used them for the pool and I really wanted to try one out. It literally saved my life last year. I hosted an online Thirty-One Party a few weeks ago and score the Deluxe Utility Tote (a little larger and with outside pockets) and a Zip Top Utility Tote.
I LOVE Thirty-One Products. I can not say enough good things about them. I have 3 little kids ages four and under and I only have 2 hands. These bags help me get it all out the door and back in the door in minimal trips.
If you don't know a Thirty-One Consultant here is a link to my friend Summer's page. She is awesome and is such a joy to work with and knows a TON about Thirty-One products and which ones would be right for you!
4. Homegrown Vegetables
Last year my oldest got a 4x4 garden for her birthday. I was great with child and we never got the garden planted. But this year, I was determined to do it even if it killed me. She wanted to grown pickles and carrots! Ha!
We planted our garden....even though I really had NO idea what I was doing. And I did NO research (which I don't recommend). BUT we have vegetables....pickles AKA cucumbers, banana peppers, green peppers, red peppers, jalapeño peppers, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, green beans and carrots.
We are seeing the fruits of
5. Melissa and Doug Toys
My mother in law has scored some awesome stuff through Melissa and Doug over the last several months. We are loving these Water Wow reusable paint pages (no paint involved only water), and these Paint with Water pages with a strip of paint at the top of each page (so you don't have to keep up with watercolors). And how about these magnetic dress up people for boys and girls. My sister gave these to my kids for their birthdays and they can not stop playing with them.....which provides moments of peace for me in each day! Yay!
6. Artwork made with my children's hands and feet
I posted a DIY Mermaid Canvas using your child's hands from my daughter's birthday party. Since then we have made lobsters and butterflies using our hands and our feet and a little paint. It does require some work on my part but the kids love it and we always do these project outside.
7. Nest Photo from The Whatever Shop
I have a little ETSY shop called none other than THE TEAL EGG. I put things in it that I create. Things that make me happy. Things that I would love for others to enjoy as well. The Whatever Shop has this print that I discovered a few weeks ago.
Before I could order it, a sweet friend purchased it for me as an encouragement to hang in my "create" space. Such a thoughtful gift that has deep rich meaning to me!
8. Vintage Dressing Table for my daughter's room
I am finally putting together my daughter's big girl room. It has just been in utter limbo the last few years. My mom purchased this vintage dresser and I am excited to paint it and put it in her room. Researching chalk paint right now and picking my sister's brain about her success in painting an antique hutch with chalk paint.
9. No More Bottles in Our House!!!!!!
And perhaps my most favorite of all......NO MORE BOTTLES! The baby is loving his sippy cup and momma is happy. No tears to be found here. I feel like I have a new lot on life! So proud of him!!!!
Monday, July 7, 2014
A Mason Jar Full of Flowers
"And why worry about your clothes? Look at the lilies and how they grow. They don't work or make their clothing, yet Solomon in all his glory was not dressed as beautifully as they are. And if God cares so wonderfully for flowers that are here today and gone tomorrow, won;t he more surely care for you? You have so little faith!"
Matthew 6:28-30
We brought those tulips home, cut the ends off, and placed them in a mason jar full of fresh water. She put the mason jar of tulips on the center of our kitchen table and since that time we have continued to fill the mason jar weekly with a little flower JOY!
She talks to me a lot about the beauty of what she selected. She talks to me about their need for fresh water. She asks me why their life span is so short. She tells me God made "her" flowers. She is learning much about her Creator through a simple bunch of flowers.
Yes my grocery bill is a little higher than if I had just left them off, but the conversations I have with her over these flowers can never be bought with a price. My daughter is the MOST thoughtful human being I know. She genuinely cares for all people. She loves deeply. She is teaching me more about myself and living like Jesus than I ever knew possible. She makes me want to be a better person.
I pray I will always take the time to let her pick out flowers with which to fill the mason jar full. I pray she will live in the confidence of knowing if God cared enough to dress the flowers so beautifully that He will surely dress and care for her that much more. I pray the length of the flowers days will always remind her we are here for a season, live your life with His Kingdom in mind.
Thursday, July 3, 2014
DIY: Silhouettes Made Easy
For the longest time I have been wanting to make silhouettes of my children. My sister came last week and we got our craft on. One of my friends says that silhouettes are a great way to freeze time. I love that thought. These silhouettes found the perfect place in our home and they are my newest treasure.
I searched MANY ways to make a silhouette. Some suggestions included: publisher, ipiccy,
pic monkey.... I downloaded ipiccy for free and honestly just got frustrated with my inability to really follow the curvature of their faces.
So here is how we did it. It was not rocket science at all. And, I am sure that somewhere in my search engine I could have found 100 people who would have suggested it this way. (I probably really should be on Pinterest).
Sorry the pictures are a little grainy....that's what happens when you snap with your phone!
Here is what you will need:
White Background
White Background
(we used a white blanket draped over an air mattress standing on it's side)
Exacto Knife
Black card stock (we used black construction paper)
Exacto Knife
Black card stock (we used black construction paper)
Mounting paper (I used brown and my sister used blue)
Double sided tape or regular ole scotch tape
Double sided tape or regular ole scotch tape
Position your child in profile position with a white background behind them.
We tried a dark background but found that the white background worked best for detail.
Open the blinds of your windows to let the natural sunlight kiss their face.
Snap some photos
You might want to have someone stand right in front of them
to keep their attention from looking over at you
Load your photos on your computer (We used iPhoto)
Pick your favorite photo
Print at 8x10 (we printed in color for precision and detail)
Take your exacto-knife and cut out your child's profile. You may want to practice cutting something else out if you are not familiar with your exacto-knife.
Tape your child's printed profile to a sheet of black card stock or black construction paper
Use your exact-knife to trace and cut around your child's profile.
Detach printed photo from black card stock
(this will leave you with a black card stock profile as well as a color printed profile).
Place a few pieces of tape or double sided tape to the back of the black card stock profile and adhere it to the center of your mounting paper (our mounting paper was 8.5"x11")
Then frame as you like!
Such a FUN, EASY, and QUICK project and a promise full JOY for many years to come! These would be great mother's day, grandparent's day, father's day gifts. Or just a special treat for you. How fun would it be to surprise your friend with silhouettes of her children!?
I don't know about you but on the eve of America's birthday, I sure am thankful for the men and women who have given their lives for my freedom and for the opportunity to raise these sweet little children in the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave.
**I hope you have a WONDERFUL 4th of JULY**
Thursday, June 19, 2014
Lemonade Collection Giveaway
I told you this week there would be a BIG giveaway!
If you are following on Instagram (thetealegg)
you have gotten in on a sneak peak of some of the pieces to the
The Lemonade Collection will be released for purchase in the shop
Saturday, June 21, 2014!
The Lemonade Collection will include:
Lemonade Banner
Six feet of Lemonade Circle Garland
20 Lemonade Collection Gift Tags
As of today.....the collection is up for grabs in a free giveaway through Instagram.
You and a friend can win it before you can buy it.
All you have to do...
1. Follow The Teal Egg on Instagram: thetealegg
2. Tag a friend in the Lemonade Collection Photo
If your name is drawn you and your friend will each win a
Winners will be drawn Friday night June 20, 2014.
(open to US Residents only)
Friday, June 13, 2014
How to style items in the shop
Several people have told me they love the items in my shop, but they are not sure they know how to style them. So this post is dedicated to just that.....showing you the endless possibilities for items in the shop.
My home is pretty much adorned with a banner every season. I L.O.V.E. banners. I have just sold them in the past as custom orders for various clients. I am so excited to reveal some new things coming soon in the banner department.
To access the shop {click here}
{Paper Circle Garland}
I absolutely LOVE paper circle garland. I have several different colors of these in my shop. If you don't see a color you would like, just send me a note for a custom order. I would love to help you customize a color to your home, office, playroom, party, etc. Really the sky is the limit.
I love paper circle garland:
draped across mirrors
draped across chalkboards
draped across mantels
draped across open shelving
wrapped around candles
hung from the ceiling
wrapped around Christmas trees
{Gift Tags}
I have a variety of these in the shop. I usually try and stick with themes of the season. I have plain white gift tags and neutral gift tags that you are free to stamp or place your own design on. I have gift tags that say "love" and "happy birthday". And I have gift tags adorned with little baby feet.
I love gift tags:
attached to a gift with your hand written note
tied with baker's twine around a milk jug or a mason jar for a themed party
taped to a striped straw in a milk jug or a mason jar
tied around a vase of fresh flowers
If you are looking for a banner and have an idea....I would love to hear it and see if I can make it for you. I love putting personal touches on banners for clients.
I hope you have enjoyed this post and feel like you know a little bit more about the items in my shop and a few of the ways I would style them. Really your imagination is all you need to style these items perfectly for your home or event.
There are lots of new things coming to the shop in the next few weeks and months. I can't wait to reveal them to you. For now....Happy Shopping and thank you for stopping by!
Follow on Instagram {thetealegg}
for the latest sales, discount codes, and giveaways!
for the latest sales, discount codes, and giveaways!
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