Tuesday, January 21, 2014



lacking interest or excitement: dull: humdrum: boring: tedious: monotonous: tiresome: wearisome: unexciting: uninteresting: uninvolving: uneventful: unvarying: unremarkable: repetitive: repetitious: routine: ordinary: everyday: day-to-day: run-of-the-mill....

Before I had our first born I would have NEVER even dared to think life with children could be defined by such words as stated above.  All I could think of was molding and shaping a child.  Nurturing her little being to become the best she could be.

And now I am a mommy to three children ages 3 and under.  Sometimes the mundane almost drowns me with its rising waves.  Yes, I am molding and shaping and nurturing children but I am also running the daily mundane of nursing a baby, making baby food, feeding children, helping resolve squabbles, doing laundry, filling sippy cups, trying to keep my house halfway clean, chasing around 2 huge bird dogs, running to and from preschool, dispensing medicine, administering breathing treatments, paying co-pays at the pediatrician like there is no tomorrow, grocery shopping, target shopping, praying they all sleep during naptime, bathtimes.....and the list could go on.

If you have kids you know how this is.....It is the best thing in the world and yet the mundane can leave you feeling incredibly isolated and weary as a mom.  The mundane will leave you looking in the mirror and wondering....who am I and what is it that I used to be good at?

My "UN" word for this year is

not lacking interest or excitement: fun: new: energetic: refreshing: exciting: interesting: involving: eventful: varying: remarkable

My kids and I do enjoy repetition, routine, ordinary and everyday.  But there are ways that I, as their mommy, can breath life into the everyday.  There are ways that I, as their mommy, can allow them to breath life into my everyday.

I don't just want to live in the mundane I want to thrive in the un-mundane.  
I want to mold. 
 I want to shape.  
I want to nurture my children in the un-mundane.  

I want to be molded.
I want to be shaped.
I want to be nurtured by children in the un-mundane.

This post is being written and this word is being chosen in the thick of a very difficult season.  It's real, it's true, it stings and my prayer is that God will continue to pour out His grace upon me.  And I pray GRACE will be the biggest portion of what I give my children each day.

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