I posted this photo to Instagram a few days ago and I have had several people ask me for the recipe. A life long friend of mine shared this information with me back at Christmas and I enjoyed a cup with her during an afternoon of catch up. Here is the original link she sent me for Lemon Water and I add honey.
I love coffee but I am also nursing a baby right now so I really do try and limit my intake for his sake. A few weeks ago I was wanting to drink coffee only and no water. Do you ever go through phases that water just seems yuck? I came to the conclusion what I really wanted was a cup of something warm to hold in my hands and sip on.....
So here is how I enjoy it.....
1. Boil water on the stove
2. Pour into a cup
3. Squeeze 1/2 a lemon into the cup
4. Pour some honey into the cup (I'm not good at measuring things....just add to your liking)
5. Swirl it around with a spoon
Love this post and love that we enjoyed lemon water together that day and you've been enjoying ever since! Now thanks to this post I hope others are enjoying with us. I add honey a lot too! Love you! xoxo