Friday, December 7, 2012

Pom Pom Christmas Wreath

This Christmas I have a 2 1/2 year old and a 16 month old. 
Christmas has to be shatterproof and kid friendly.
I unpacked a lot of my Christmas decor to pack it right back up.
Especially after my second born pushed a kitchen chair over to my slimline kitchen tree, 
climbed up on the chair, grabbed an ornament and CHUNKED it across the room. was a shatterproof ornament!

That experience led me to making a lot of decorations this season. 
Boys are so different from girls.  My first born was satisfied with a simple 
"No Don't Touch. Just wave Hi to the Tree" last year.  My son....NOT SO MUCH.

Over the next two weeks, I will share with you some of the things I have made
to help get me through this season.  I do miss our memorable ornaments but not enough
to sacrifice them!  I am proud of the whimsical touches of kid friendly items that
mark our Christmas season this year.

Here is one of my first projects.

POM POM Wreath.

I owe all credit to this idea to my sister.  When I saw her at Thanksgiving she was
making POM POMS hand over fist.  I decided to make red, white, and green POM POMs
as well.  And after I made A TON I decided to put some red ones on a wreath.

I thought....if it falls off the won't break

And....if I don't like it next year....I can take the POMS off  use the wreath for something else.

SO here is the TUTORIAL should you choose to make one of these POM POM WREATHS!

Supplies: Wreath/Push Pins/Scissors/Yarn

Wrap the yarn around your hand

I wrapped mine around my hand 40 times

Pull the yarn off of your hand and hold together like so

Cut a piece of yarn to tie around the middle of the pom

Here is what your POM should look like after you tie the middle

Slip your scissors up each side of the POM and cut

This is what it looked like after I cut the first side

This is what it looked like after I cut the opposite side

Use a push pin to secure it to your wreath

Here is what it looked like after I secured the first POM

Gather the rest of your POMS and start pinning. 
The number of POMS you will need will depend on the size
of the POMS you make.  The smaller your POMS the more
it will take to cover the wreath

First, I pinned a front layer of POMS around the front of the wreath 

Then I pinned a top layer of POMS around the top of the wreath 

Then I pinned an inside layer of POMS around the inside layer of the wreath

Here is my end result.  You may have to trim a little
once you get your wreath made.

I made two wreaths and hung them on two glass windows
that separate my living room from my sunroom/playroom.

I secured them to the glass with clear plastic M3 hangers.
They are great touch to our home
and best of all.....

Let me know if you end up making one!

I Shared this post over at......


  1. This is fabulous! I too love making pom poms but I would have never thought to use them to make a wreath. Awesome!

  2. I thought it was fun too! Let me know if you try one!
