Monday, April 7, 2014

No Matter What......

I have been in a personal funk the last several weeks.
Exhausted, short with my kids, not accomplishing goals, wanting to sleep alot,
frustration over never ending house work.....

And then.......
The sun finally came out.  The weather warmed up to my most favorite 78 degrees.
And a lady in a black suburban pulled into my cul-de-sac with her ~10 year old hanging onto the outside of the SUV's door with his feet firmly planted on the running board.

He released his hand from the car and hopped off the running board to hand my daughter a flyer.
A flyer that smacked me dead in the face with the reality....


Nothing like making you feel any worse or more insecure about your post 3 baby body (in 4 years).
So I am back at it.  Five days a week. Workouts for time.  Hoping that I can finish before someone needs me.  Somedays it is peaceful (in the sense that all children are napping).  Somedays it is jumping rope in the garage while your kids draw with chalk on the driveway, fight, and throw their balls down the street....and the baby is screaming!!!!

It's ALWAYS HARD.  It's never easy (although if they are sleeping the conditions are more peaceful).
I want to get up every morning before they rise and have time with Jesus, workout, and shower. 
But my kids wake up at 7am and somedays I am just TOOOOOOOO tired (especially if I have worked the day before).

But I am feeling better about myself.  I am not as short with my kids. I rarely ever get fully dressed (I'm talking hair dried and makeup) but I do feel good about the fact that in 9 weeks when the pool opens I will have done something.  Cause let's face it.....there will be no sitting in a lounge chair for me.  No flipping through magazines.  Nope this mommy is going to be up and at 'em chasing 3 littles around the pool.  Hoping these next 9 weeks of pain will help lessen the visual pain of my post 3 baby body.

So here is what I have to work out with.....
Yoga Mat
Jump Rope
20 lb slam ball
Ab Mat
Pull Up Bar
And ME!

Really trying hard to get workouts completed in less than 20 minutes.  Work hard! Work fast!  I don't have a lot of time to spare.  I don't workout on the two days I work (that leaves five other days to get it in).  For me I have to get it done by 3pm in the afternoon or I wont get it done (nights are too hard around here).  Somedays I workout before they are up.  Sometimes I workout during the baby's first nap.  Sometimes I workout outside while they play outside.  Somedays I work out right after I put them all down for afternoon nap. 

I have used this as a guide before and I am using it again.  
{Click on the link and under the video you will be able to access 30 days of workout in pdf form}
And then somedays I ask my husband Matt (who loves Crossfit) to give me a workout.
What he puts together is always harder than I want but always is a great challenge to me. 

I don't have some perfect workout regimen that is bound to get you skinny in 30 days.
I just have good old fashion....use your body weight, move and eat right method.
That is really what being healthy is all about anyhow, right?!
More calories burned than taken in and fill your body with good wholesome foods from the earth!

I highly recommend this post as it might provide workout resources if you are in a different stage of life and have more time to dedicate.

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