Thursday, January 31, 2013

DIY Valentine Boxes

I made a Valentine Box for each of our kids.  I wanted to have a place where they could stash their cards and I could leave a special treat for them on the day of "Love"!  There are tons of great ideas out there and of course I always love PBK's cute Valentine holders but they cost a lot.

So I made these out of recycled boxes......

What you will need:
Cereal, waffle, butter, milk.....boxes of any size 
(I am a recycler so I loved doing this project)
Ribbon or twine
Scrap book paper
Your creativity!

1.  Cut the box of your liking down to the size of your liking

 2. Trace each side of your box onto your scrapbook paper 
and cut 

3.  Tape your scrapbook paper cuts to the appropriate side of the box 
with either clear tape of double sided tape (depending on how anal you are;)

4.  Cut long strips of another scrapbook paper pattern 
and attach to the box like below (sorry for the fuzzy pic)

5.  This is what the bottom of the box will look like

(I covered the bottom with an extra piece of the navy and white scrapbook paper)

6.  Cut out a heart and stick it to the front side of the box

7.  Punch holes in the side of the box and tie your ribbon or twine to the box

8.  There is SO MUCH room for YOUR CREATIVITY in this project.  
You could get our your Cricut
You could get out the glitter
You could get out the stickers
You could even BeDazzle this bad boy (if you are into BeDazzling!!!!)
You could let your kids decorate the box.

These are going to hang on the back of my kids breakfast room chairs.
I am thinking about adding hooks to the back of our chairs like this

1 comment:

  1. So cute! I just pinned this, and I think we'll make it this weekened. :)
