Monday, January 21, 2013

Toddlers and Pre-Schoolers

In our house we have a toddler and a pre-schooler and did I mention that we have a baby on the way?  Yep!  Baby boy #2 due date has been moved a few times in the last 23 weeks but they are telling us May 26th.  If he is anything like his sister and brother, he will be at least a week late.

So as you can imagine my new year's resolution is to get the maximum usage of space out of our shrinking house.  We are not we have to make do in 3 bedrooms and 2 baths.  I have been encouraged over the last few weeks of stories people have shared with me concerning their small living spaces and their growing families.

This week, I am highlighting a few changes that I have made in our house recently.

First Up.....The Playroom.  

I boxed up all toys 18 months and under in tubs and labeled them out in my garage.  We can't part with these because we have a little one on the way but we can not have ALL of these toys in our house at one time.

I moved a bookshelf from our office into the playroom.  Our kids love books but they were previously stashed in their rooms, in baskets, and all over our house.  Now they are in one place.  The kids love to pull books off of the shelf and "read" them.  Sometimes it makes a mess but we are learning how to clean up our mess.

I placed a lamp and a CD player on the top of the bookshelf for low light and music (which our kids love).  Some days I turn on music and they sing, dance, and play their instruments.  Sometimes I turn on music in hopes to calm the mood.

I made a chalkboard but it failed.  
(Do not attempt to paint heavy duty card board and stick in a frame.  
It will bow and buckle)  

You can see how it buckled at the top.  
Not durable and we need durable in this house.

So as a result of my sister's home depot chalkboard is back in order.  Home Depot sells chalkboard in 2x4 size.  I had them cut it to my desired need 2x3 and I slipped it into my white frame.  I seasoned it, wrote a fun word on it, and hung it!  Thanks to my sis, we are back in order.

And just FYI....Home Depot sells White Board that can be cut as well.  Just in case you are doing a project and need white board.

And just in case you think this post looks perfect or I am some how a super mom.....
save this pic of my sink and know 


1 comment:

  1. I always love your posts! This made me smile, gave me ideas, and then cracked me up. That's an excellent sink and I love that you included it! I, too, struggle when I look at my MESS and then read everyone's perfect blog about how they made their perfect space even more perfect. Now I'm going to continue unpacking and vacuuming...
    Miss you!!!
