Thursday, September 5, 2013

School Lunch and a Hair "Do"

It has been a super busy week around here.  We had a long holiday weekend and I feel like I can't recover.  Lots of fun things are happening this week in our home.  One being, our daughter started preschool!

She was so excited to jump out of the car and go to her new class.  But, when I picked her up I had to pry things out of her.... when I asked her how her day was she said "good".  "Good" that's it?  Yep!  That is all I got.  Well, that and "I want skittles".  Seriously?  Her teacher rewarded good behavior with skittles?  My sugar loving girl could not handle just one skittle.  I would much rather her teacher reward with stickers, a coloring page, being the line leader..... Hopefully this is just a "week one, at a new school" kinda thing.

I found myself at the kitchen counter this week preparing my baby girl's lunch.  It is the first lunch I have prepared for her and put in a lunch box that she did not eat with me.  Usually when I pack her lunch it is for the park.  Weird for me to think about her eating lunch outside of our home without me.

I took a trip down memory lane, as I cut out a star shaped turkey and cheese sandwich and I remembered my dad.  My dad standing at the kitchen counter every morning before school making my and my sister's lunches.  Yep!  He had an assembly line going.  That man could whip out some lunches in no time.  I am thankful for my dad and for the way that he stepped in to make lunches and ease some of the load off of my mom. I was blessed and I am blessed with a dad who took/takes an active role in my life, even if sometimes the sandwich had a little too much mustard for my liking.

I then remembered my mom waking up to "do" my hair and my sister's hair before we walked out the door.  Why did she not make lunches?  Oh, she had been up several times during the night nursing a baby.  Or stayed up way late doing "mom  things".  I never understood this until I had my own children......You work all day, sun up to sun down.  You get them into bed and then there are all of the things that you were supposed to get done during the day that are staring you in the face.  All you want to do is sit down and chill but you know you need to knock out at least one thing, or it will be staring you in the face again tomorrow.  And then you crash into your bed, with lights on and when the baby wakes at midnight to wonder: how long have I been asleep, who turned out the lights, who covered me up and you are thankful for that sweet man laying in the bed next to you who fills in the gaps when you can not go one step further!

What I witnessed in my parents was teamwork.  They didn't parent alone.  They worked together for us.  I am truly thankful for the example that was set before me.  I'm so thankful for those lunches and hair "do's" that got my sister and me off to a great start.  And I am so thankful for a husband who fills in the gaps that I miss with our children.  A man who parents with me.  I am blessed beyond measure by his service to our family.  He loves us well!

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