Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Library Book Reservation

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I had never used this feature at our local library until a few weeks ago.....

{Book Reservation}

I feel overwhelmed when I walk into the library.  I don't remember AT ALL how to look up books in the card catalog.  Nor do I remember anything about the Dewy Decimal System.  I think I would be embarrassed to admit this to the librarian.  And let just face it, with three kids three and under in tote, I am never going to be able to look up and book, find it, and check it out.  At least not right now.

Book Reservation allows me to access our library, select a title, reserve a book, and have it waiting on me when I can make it to the library.  I get an email notification the book has made it to my designated location.  I walk in the door of the library and it is waiting for me to check it out.  SO PERFECT!

I don't read a lot of hardback books but I had been wanting to read James Dobson's Bringing Up Boys and thought I might try out the library for more than just my kid's book selections. 

The library gave me the choice of hard back or book on CD and I chose the book on CD.  I felt like it would be great for listening in the car or even listening while I fed a baby.  Of course this led to needing a "CD Walkman".  Remember those.  I wasn't sure where I was going to find one.  I mentioned it to my husband in passing and the next thing I know he laid a "CD Walkman" on the desk in front of me!

I have always hated that he has a "junk" drawer but when he handed over the Walkman......I was thankful for a slight moment that he has a "junk" drawer.  (I will never admit that to him)

If you have never reserved a book at the library, I encourage you to try.  I promise it is not intimidating AT ALL.  It does require you have access to the internet and know the name of the book you want to reserve.  I even have one friend who reserves all of her kid's library books like this and picks them up.  Saves her from spend all that time searching for books while her kiddos are running through the library.  Smart Mommy!

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