Friday, May 24, 2013

The World My Children Will Grow Up In.

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The World my children will grow up in is much different from the world I grew up in.  My husband and I have been talking about this more and more lately.  It feels like every time you turn on the news you learn of more "compromise" by our nation.  It seems like the more people you cross paths with the more you learn "compromise" is becoming the standard in people's lives.  And yet the reality is not that "it seems" the reality is that my children are growing up in a world of compromise.

I have been thinking about the best way to write out these thoughts and after I saw a piece on the Today Show this morning, I felt more compelled to write these thoughts down.  They were doing a piece on sexual enhancement drugs for women.  At this time, the TV was on in our living room and I was making french toast in the kitchen for our family.  The lady being interviewed said "I think women these days want novelty in the bedroom.  They want fantasy and imagination with more than one person.  Perhaps we have been told for so long that we should live in monogamy, when in fact what today's women want is less monogamy".

Seriously?!  This is the world of "compromise" that my children will grow up in, are growing up in.  I turned around from the skillet and I said "What about commitment"?  Nothing in today's society requires "commitment".  So why should anyone live in commitment?  Don't commit to marriage.  Don't commit to self-control.  Don't commit to your health.  Don't commit to your finances.  Don't commit to disciplining your children.  Just "compromise" so that you don't step on anyone's toes.

A year or two ago our pastor did a small series called "Gumption".  It spoke so clearly and deeply into my soul.  Gumption it is the CHARACTER to COMMIT and COMPLETE!  That is what I want for my marriage, for our family, and for my children.  That we would be people of deep COMMITMENT that allows us to COMPLETE strong.

That in our marriage we would commit even when we don't always see eye to eye or it is hard.  And that as a result we would COMPLETE life together.

In our self-control that we would commit to bringing our wants and desires under HIS authority and that we would COMPLETE life with excellent CHARACTER.

In our health that we would commit to working hard and eating well so that we would LIVE life on earth COMPLETE.

In our finances that we would commit to SAVE, GIVE, and SPEND within our means.  And that we would live within the boundaries of the season of our commitment whether it be plant, grow or harvest.

In the discipline of our children that we would commit to be consistent.  That we would model out in our lives our completion to follow through on what God asks of us through obedience.

Yes, the world will be a harder place for my children to grow up in than it was for me.  And the world will be a harder place for me to parent in than it was for my parents.  But I am confident that God can raise up an army of believers, of mighty warriors, who stand for something and have the GUMPTION, the CHARACTER to COMMIT and COMPLETE.

"Gideon then crossed the Jordan River with his 300 men, and though exhausted, they continued to chase the enemy".
Judges 8:4 NLT  

Here is the link to the Gumption Series if you are interested  

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