Monday, August 12, 2013

The Weekend Project

This weekend a new life was celebrated in my home.
We pulled out the china and silverware and honored a sweet friend
and her baby girl to be.

I spent the afternoon with hands in a sink full of bubbles thinking.....

Often china and silver seem like a frivolous thing to own.  
You may use it a few times a year, if that. 
{Especially when your home is full of little people}.

But china and silver have a past story, a present story, and a future story.
I have a buffet stacked full of china.
China that belonged to my dad's mom.
China that belonged to my dad's grandmother.  
{He can't remember it never being in her home}.
China that was given to me as wedding gifts.

With each piece that I washed, my mind was filled with precious memories of my Granny Jewell.  
I remembered her beautiful smile.  I could hear her giggly laughter.
 I couldn't help but miss her greatly and remember my best days with her.

With each piece that I washed, my mind was filled with memories of my wedding showers.
I remembered vivid details of the love that was bestowed upon me as a bride 
waiting in anticipation to marry her groom.
I remembered the person who gave me each piece.
And as I washed, I prayed for them and for their families.

With each piece that I washed old and new, 
I gave thanks for my mom who taught me that some celebrations in life are worth china and silver.  
With each piece that I washed old and new, 
I gave thanks for the generosity that was given to me through these pieces.  

With each piece that I washed old, I thought about the celebrations of generations past.  
With each piece that I washed old and new,  
I thought about celebrations of our present: marriages, babies, family.....
With each piece that I washed old and new, 
I thought about celebrations of our future: graduations, marriages, grandchildren, showers.....

These pieces of china and silver are not so frivolous.  They hold deep meaning.
And while I may not use them as often as I should, 
they hold deep history, memory and thankfulness to me.
I hope my children will set their tables with china and silver
, as they host celebrations of their own,
 and remember their past, present, and future story.

Thanks mom!

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