Monday, August 19, 2013

The Weekend Project.....Ticks Gone WILD!

My weekend project was supposed to include some sewing for my craft room but that did not happen.  We have some major snotty noses, fevers, and coughs in this house.  And, to top it all off......TICKS!!!!

Yes, you read that right!  T.I.C.K.S.

Really it is such a long story it is not even worth rehashing the entire thing.

Here is what it involved in a nutshell: both of our dogs outside in the rain for a potty break, one dog ran off into the brush behind our home, finally got both dogs back, vizsla covered in seed ticks, me attempting to pull 100's of seed ticks off of the vizsla, then me bathing the vizsla on the back deck with a water hose stretched up to the deck, water hose getting kinked off, going back down the stairs to unkink the water hose and the vizsla escaping, getting the vizsla back and back onto the deck only to have her escape again, chasing the vizsla through the neighbor hood (her soaking wet and still covered in ticks), me getting into the car to go find the vizsla, finding the soakin' wet/tick infested vizsla at a neighbors down the street, putting the vizsla in the car and driving her home, getting her back on the deck for further tick removal and bath and she tried to slip through the slats of the deck gate, carrying the wet vizsla through the house to my bath tub to bathe her and the weimaraner, got the dogs clean, fed the baby, came back down to find my bed FULL of seed ticks (this is not a joke), googling how to rid your house of ticks, shop-vacing ticks off of my bed, stripping down all bedding, pulling out furniture, shaking Borax onto the mattress and the carpet, shop-vacing the carpet and the mattress and the dog bed, calling the husband at church (work) to have him stop by PetsMart on the way home to get powders and sprays and shampoo for fumigation, making up a Borax concoction to clean my hardwoods, husband bathing dogs in tick shampoo, cleaning my bathtub out for the second time in one day....

Worked from 11:30am-5:30pm NON-STOP!  Took a break from 5:30-8:00pm to eat out, get kids in bed, and feed the baby.  Worked again from 8:00pm-10:00pm to clean remainder of bathroom up and put up everything clean.

Thank good my MIL was still here to help contain my kids during this fiasco and help shop-vac my bedroom and hopefully rid my home of the TICK infestation!!!!  I owe her a TON.

Honestly, I never in a million years thought that many ticks could be in one place at one time.  It was unreal.  The events just kept getting worse with every moment.  I stomped my feet.  I slammed some doors. I raised my voice. I smacked my dog.  I WAS HUMAN!

For those of you who have had lice (which we have never had and hopefully I am not jinxing myself) I can only imagine that this process is equal counter parts!  Worst thing I HAVE EVER been through with my dogs and my house.  It topped: husband out of town, 18 month old and a new baby, two dogs with constant diarrhea, and WHITE CARPET!!!! (Did I mention....we WILL NEVER again have white carpet).

Anybody else itching?!?!?!?!


  1. I can't believe this is real. Oh my gosh! So sorry!

  2. I know Christina! I could not believe it was real either, but it was. You know least mine weren't opening the fridge like one of yours! =)

  3. Yikes! That must’ve been quite horrible! Looking back at that scenario, I think it’s best if you could allot time to have a cleaning schedule in your house. Ticks and other pests can be very annoying, especially if left to their own devices. But with constant cleaning, you’re sure that you can get rid of them eventually.

    Bennie Dixon @ Safe Cleaning by Guardsman
