Saturday, October 13, 2012

31 Days (Day 13) Limited in my ability to get it all cleaned up at one time

One of my greatest struggles is I like everything in its place at all times.  I hate clutter and since kids I feel like I live in a constant state of clutter.  Honestly, for most people it would probably not seem like clutter but to me it is a HUGE issue.

Before kids our house was always in perfect order.  It did not take that much energy on my part to keep it that way, but now I have lots of hands that take out and don't put up.  And I have a 50 lb Vizsla and a 70 lb Weimaraner added to the mix.  Somedays it is almost overwhelming to me and I just have to get out!

I can take the clutter and the dirt for so long and then I break.  I can literally feel it creeping up my body until I am about to break.  Matt knows the signs and is usually great to pitch in and help me before I hit the breaking point.

Motherhood is teaching me to let go of perfection in my home.  I still want a clean and picked up house but a few toys and laundry out are not the end of the world.  I can either drive myself crazy or I can choose to let a few things go.  This is a daily surrender for me and sometimes a surrender multiple times per day.

What I am currently learning about myself:

  • Don't clean while my kids are a wake.  This leads to increased frustration on my part and leads me to be very short tempered with them.  
  • Spend nap time doing something for me, personally.  Don't use nap time to clean house.  
  • Relinquish the idea that my house has to be clean all at once.  This IS NOT POSSIBLE in my current state.  I have to clean what I can and cut myself a little slack that it might take 2-3 days to get it all clean.
  • Don't get caught up in snapshots of house perfection on the internet (post coming soon on this one)
  • Work with my kids on cleaning up their toys.  They enjoy it but it does take patience and time on my part but in the end will pay off
  • Don't wish away my children's childhood longing for the day when they will make less of a mess and be able to clean it up.  I only have them in my house for a short time.  Someday my house will be "perfectly clean and put up again" and my hallways will be silent

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