Sunday, October 14, 2012

31 Days (Day 14) Limited in my ability of getting wrapped up in snapshot realities of life.

I love the internet, dont' you?  It allows me to look up all sorts of things: google, maps, instagram, facebook, recipes, crafts, restaurants, coupons, books, research, blogs.....You name it the internet has made our life so much easier.

The internet has also helped people build picture perfect snapshot realities.  And these picture perfect snapshot realities can get me in trouble fast!  People generally ONLY post the beautiful parts of their life on the internet.  (Myself included)  Don't you find this true, for the most part?

I don't know about you but as a woman I can see these snapshots, and although I know they are not true for every moment of the day, somewhere inside I start to believe that they are.  It can lead me to being unsatisfied with my personal life and believing that the grass is greener in someone else's snapshot.  Snapshots are what they are and they are placed along a movie reel called the internet that plays perfectly over and over again.

I am not against the internet, blogs, facebook, instagram, pinterest.....I believe these are great tools.  But I do believe that they can become strong holds in the hearts and minds of women.  I think it would be hard to find a woman who has not wrestled with this issue.  And if she is out there, I want to know her secret!

For me I am learning that as a woman you can not have it all and be it all...I AM LIMITED.  God has bestowed talents upon us all.  But there is no way that I can be perfect in: fitness, cooking, crafting, working, homemade baby food, shopping, decorating, homeschooling, homemade cleaning products, music, sewing, gardening, birthday parties.....  That is way too much pressure for one person.

I believe blogs are a great way for us to celebrate the talents of women!  They are a great way for me to be encouraged and gain ideas.  But, I can not master every blogs talents and thankfully God does not expect me to.   I am learning to view blogs in celebration and not jealousy or coveting.

I truly believe that the majority of women who blog, blog out of passion and excitement for the talents they have been given.  I do not believe that women blog to create jealousy within the hearts of other women.  Jealousy and coveting are issues that are birthed, festered and nurtured within our own hearts and stem out of our own personal issues.

I love blogs and I love creativity and I am in a constant state of reminding myself to celebrate the talents of others.  Here are a few of my own personal favorites.

God has given each of us the ability to do certain things well. So if God has given you the ability to prophesy, speak out when you have faith that God is speaking through you.  If your gift is that of serving others, serve them well. If you are a teacher, do a good job of teaching.  If your gift is to encourage others, do it! If you have money, share it generously. If God has given you leadership ability, take the responsibility seriously. And if you have a gift for showing kindness to others, do it gladly.   Romans 12:6-8

Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms. 1 Peter 4:10


  1. I somehow stumbled on your blog last week and have enjoyed your posts - especially this one and the prior one about keeping the house clean. So many days I allow myself to feel like a failure because the house is a "wreck" when really my time is much better spent loving on my girls.

  2. Jenny, thanks for your comment! I am glad you are enjoying the posts. Being a mom is a hard job and we have to daily be reminded what really matters. Sometimes I fail miserably at this but it is through my failures that I do eventually learn something of value. I am so thankful for God's grace and that even after all of my failures he still allows me to care for his creation, my little people!
