Thursday, October 4, 2012

31 Days (Day 4) Limited by Time

Funny the title for this entry, because today I feel like I am running out of time to get this day's entry in (how appropriate).  After working two twelve hour shifts, I came home yesterday to pack our entire family for a 9 day trip.  Now that is a lot of packing considering that we have 2 kids 29 months and under.  I did a little prep on Monday but not much.

Last night as I packed, I was running out of time.  I wanted so badly to get a good nights sleep before a 5 am departure.  But once I got one thing accomplished I remembered another.  I had all of these running lists on paper and then several in my mind.  But lets face it who has time to stop and write on the list when you are trying to wash clothes last minute, write a note for your house/dog sitter, make a batch of brownies and so on?  So I put "grab everyone's swimsuits" on the list running through my mind. 

We made the departure time.  The kids were angels and we arrived safely at our destination for the next few days.  But just as we pulled in I remembered I packed everyone's swimsuit but mine.  Seriously?!  Where am I going to find a swimsuit this time of year?

And so is the life of a mom.....

As I ran back over my lists last night and we loaded up the car, I could not help but think about the Israelites as they were wandering in the desert.  I thought about the specifics that God gave them for their tabernacle.  He gave them specific detail and I assume that they remembered to pack up and bring every detail with them each time they moved.  I am thankful God has not given me specifics on how to move and set up a tabernacle because I am sure that I would forget something.  Especially if I am so crunched by time that I can not remember as small of a thing as my swimsuit.

So after a long day, I am placing my day's entry in with less than 2 hours left in the day.  TIME how often does it get in the way of you forgetting the details?  Aren't you glad today that God is NEVER limited by TIME and that He specializes in remembering the details?  I AM!

The LORD directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every
 detail of their lives.
Psalm 37:23

I was able to remember the blankies, the sippies and the frog potty. 
All of which are necessary!

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